Version 1.0.1-16


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Good reference to Javascript functions

Functions are used to sensibly organzie code. Then they are "Called" elsewhere. Information can also be passed to functions (that's more advanced).

Example Functions code

                function myGrabNumber(){
                    return parseInt(document.getElementById('myText01').value)

Example working code


Time for some personal examples:

First, the code for the button that changes the light mode of this page is a function

                function lightMode() {
                    var element = document.body;

Second, every button in the "decisions" assignment triggers a function

Hint: do you celebrate the towel day?

                function ex01() {
                    let myIn02 = parseFloat(document.getElementById('myNum02').value);
                    let myMod01 = myIn02 % 2;
                    if (myIn02 == 42) {
                        document.getElementById('myDiv02').innerHTML = 'Hey!! You found the meaning of life, the universe, and everything! You are awesome. By the way, this number is even';
                    } else if (myIn02 == 69) {
                        document.getElementById('myDiv02').innerHTML = 'This number is odd, BTW, nice';
                    } else if (myMod01 == 0) {
                        document.getElementById('myDiv02').innerHTML = 'This number is even';
                        document.getElementById('myDiv02').innerHTML = 'This number is odd';

                function ex02() {
                    var name = document.getElementById('myName01').value;       
                    var boyName = ['Michael', 'John', 'Chris', 'David', 'Mike', 'Ryan', 'Matt', 'Jason', 'Brian', 'Andrew'];
                    var girlName = ['Olivia', 'Emma', 'Amelia', 'Ava', 'Sophia', 'Charlote', 'Isabella', 'Mia', 'Luna', 'Harper', 'Mary'];
                    if (boyName.includes(name) || girlName.includes(name)) {
                        document.getElementById('myDiv03').innerHTML = 'Pretty common name, we like it!';
                    } else if (name == 'Ellis' || name == 'Jeremy') {
                        document.getElementById('myDiv03').innerHTML = 'Well come, Mr.Ellis. We hope you find the marking a pleasant experience.'; 
                    } else if (name == 'Fernando' || name == 'Fer') {
                        document.getElementById('myDiv03').innerHTML = 'Hello, dad.';
                    } else {
                        document.getElementById('myDiv03').innerHTML = 'Unusual! We like it!';

                function ex04() {
                    var myNumToChange = parseFloat(document.getElementById('myNumToChange').value)
                    if (document.getElementById('next').checked) {
                        myNumToChange = myNumToChange + 1
                        document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = myNumToChange
                    } else {
                        myNumToChange = myNumToChange - 1
                        document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = myNumToChange

Third, in the "CSS" assignment, the are a few functions

This is bold
                function changeColor() {
                    document.getElementById('myB1').style.color = "red"
                    document.getElementById('myB1').style.backgroundColor = "yellow"

                function moveTA() {
                    document.getElementById('myTA01').style.left = parseInt(document.getElementById('myTA01').style.left) + 10 + 'px';

Forth, in the "Variables" assignment, there are lots of functions

Now we have a variable that stores your points and other that stores your clicks

Hit a ballon to start
                //Example 04
            document.myPoints04 = 0;
            document.myBallonsExploted04 = 0;
            function plus5Points() {
                document.myBallonsExploted04 += 1;
                document.myPoints04 += 5;
                document.getElementById('myDiv04').innerHTML = 'You have exploted ' + document.myBallonsExploted04 + ' ballons, and you have a punctuation of ' + document.myPoints04;
            function plus10Points() {
                document.myBallonsExploted04 += 1;
                document.myPoints04 += 10;
                document.getElementById('myDiv04').innerHTML = 'You have exploted ' + document.myBallonsExploted04 + ' ballons, and you have a punctuation of ' + document.myPoints04;
            function clearVariables04() {
            	document.myBallonsExploted04 = 0;
                document.myPoints04 = 0;
                document.getElementById('myDiv04').innerHTML = 'Hit a ballon to start';

Now we have different forms of adding points and some randomness
You have Standart multiplier

Hit a bad guy to start...

                //Example 05
            document.myMultiplier05 = 1;
            document.myBadGuyPoints05 = 0;
            function addStandartP05() {
                document.myMultiplier05 = 1;
                document.getElementById('myMultiplierDiv05').innerHTML = 'You have Standart multiplier';
            function addX2P05() {
                document.myMultiplier05 = 2;
                document.getElementById('myMultiplierDiv05').innerHTML = 'You have x2 multiplier';
            function add50PerP05() {
                myTemp05 = Math.random();
                if (myTemp05 < 0.5) {
                    document.myMultiplier05 = 4;
                } else {
                    document.myMultiplier05 = -2;
                document.getElementById('myMultiplierDiv05').innerHTML = 'You have a secret multiplier. Would you dare?';
            function hitBadGuy05() {
                document.myBadGuyPoints05 += 2 * document.myMultiplier05;
                if (document.myMultiplier05 == -2) {
                    document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = 'Oh no! that was a good guy. Your punctuation is: ' + document.myBadGuyPoints05;
                } else if (document.myMultiplier05 == 4) {
                    document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = 'Hey! Now your are helping them become a better person!. Your punctuation is: ' + document.myBadGuyPoints05;
                } else {
                    document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = 'Your punctuation is: ' + document.myBadGuyPoints05;
            function hitVeryBadGuy05() {
                document.myBadGuyPoints05 += 5 * document.myMultiplier05;
                if (document.myMultiplier05 == -2) {
                    document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = 'Oh no! that was a very good guy. Your punctuation is: ' + document.myBadGuyPoints05;
                } else if (document.myMultiplier05 == 4) {
                    document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = 'Hey! Now your are helping them become a better person!. Your punctuation is: ' + document.myBadGuyPoints05;
                } else {
                    document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = 'Your punctuation is: ' + document.myBadGuyPoints05;
            function clearVariables05() {
                document.myBadGuyPoints05 = 0;
                document.getElementById('myDiv05').innerHTML = 'Hit a bad guy to start...';

More examples coming soon (when I have more ideas)